
こんにちは! 最近日本もようやく涼しくなってきたと聞きますが、ギルフォードはそこそこ寒いです。外に出て、すぐに凍えることはないのですが何時間も立ちっぱなしだと身体が動かなくなるようなそんな感じ……。あと、天気はやっぱり、曇天と小雨と、たまに本降りの雨という感じですね。1年間Placementで日本にいたからか、そういえばそうだった……と慣れない感じです。
そんな今日は、Placement Yearの概要を書いていこうと思います。(本当は私がPlacementで得た経験についても今日書きたかったのですが、書いていたら概要だけでなんだか長くなってしまったので次回で……汗)
Hello! I’ve heard the weather in Japan is getting cooler these days to be back to normal autumn level, although it had the highest temperature of 27-30℃ at the start of this month in Tokyo. Here, in Guildford, the highest is around 16℃, which I feel is not too cold but cold when there is no sun outside. (I’d forgotten the UK typical weather since I was in Japan more than one year for my placement!!!)
Anyway, today I am going to write about the university placement year in general. (I wanted to write my experience as well, but I realised it is going to be too long while writing, so I decided to separate my experience into the next post I am going to write (hopefully) next week.)
1. About the “Placement Year”
2. How does it work?
3. Tuition fee and placement pay
4. What was I benefited from the university during the placement year?
5. Assessment
6. By when should a student decide “to do or not to do”?
1. About the “Placement Year”
“Placement Year”、他にも”Professional Training Year”や”Sandwich Year”と呼ばれたりもしていますが、簡単に言えば1年間職業体験をする、みたいな年です。必修ではありません。イギリスの大学undergraduate (学士課程) は3年間で、その「第2学年」と「最終学年」の間に1年間このPlacementのプログラムを入れることができます。大学のウェブサイト上でのPlacementに関するページもあるのでぜひ見てみてください!
“Placement Year” (or “Professional Training Year” or “Sandwich Year”) is a year to experience a professional work environment to develop practical knowledge and skills for a year. It is not compulsory; you can choose whether to do or not to do. If you do, this placement year is going to be sandwiched by the second year and the final year of the undergraduate programme. There is some information about this in the university webpage!
2. How does it work?
Placementの場所を探す方法は大きく分けて2種類で、「大学提携のPlacementを専用ポータルから探す」か「自分で直接探して大学に承認をもらう(self-sourcing)」かです。感じとしてはどちらの生徒もそれなりにいたと思います。私は、応募の段階ではどちらも合わせて探していましたが、最終的に決まったところはself-sourcingとして見つけた日本のホテルでした。 (来週Placementの経験を書くときにこの辺りの詳しいことも書けたらと思いますが、大雑把に言うと、ホテルの求人に応募して「1年間でこういうことをしたくて」と説明したりしてました)
The rule is not very strict. As far as I remember, “the placement would be related to the study (i.e. hospitality or tourism industry for me)”, “minimum of 1,125 hours working is required (but the programme normally be 12 months)” and “family business would not be admitted as a placement (e.g. working at your father’s restaurant)” The programme is very very flexible. If a student is eager to do something, the university would support him/her, which is the great thing in Surrey!
You could even go outside of the UK, and in fact, many students did go abroad. And here I suddenly write one story from my English school in Japan five years ago; after I decided to come to Surrey, a teacher there told me “I hosted a Surrey student in my house, he is Hungarian, and came here for the placement. He worked at a Japanese inn”. Surrey students are really global scaled!
In order to find one, the university has established a portal to help students find good placement programmes, or if you find something interesting outside of the portal, that is also great. I used both the ways to find my placement, and finally I decided to do mine that was self-sourced, at a hotel in Japan.
3. Tuition fee and placement pay
学費はこの年にも発生しますが通常年度よりも少ない額です。私のときは£1,850でした。いまInternational Hospitality and Tourism Management BSc (Hons) – 2020 entryのページでは“To be confirmed”となっているので、また変わるかもしれません。(学費は割とよく変わります。私の今年の学費は£18,100だったのが、2020年のエントリーは£17,900になっている……! などと密かに思ったりしているのは秘密です)
The amount of the tuition fee is lower than full-study academic years if not 0. It was £1,850 for me, although the webpage for 2020 entry of International Hospitality and Tourism Management says it is “to be confirmed”, and the amount might be changed.
Also, for the payment of the placement, you will get paid in most of the programmes, if the amount could be lower than graduate jobs.
4. What was I benefited from the university during the placement year?
数十万円の学費を払って大学から具体的に何を得たかというと、「Personal Tutor」の存在「文献へのアクセス」「課題の採点」辺りになると思います。(あともう少し厳密に言えばPlacement Yearの存在自体も含まれるでしょうか……)。 サリー大学では、教授陣の中からパーソナルチューターとして見てくださる先生が割り当てられます。(特に学生ビザTier 4の生徒はビザの規定としてパーソナルチューターと会うようにと言われます。参考に……サリー大学の用意した “Tier 4 Visa” に関するPDF )
Placement Yearも例外でなく、パーソナルチューターの先生がついてくださいます。イギリス国内のPlacementの場合は、年に数回、生徒のいる職場を訪れてミーティングをしてくれて、イギリス国外のPlacementでも、Skypeを使ったミーティングも併用しつつ1回は直接会いに来てくださいます(!)私のパーソナルチューターの先生も日本まで来てくれました。勿論、飛行機代もホテル代も大学持ちでした……すごい。
それから、文献へのアクセスも引きつづき保証されます。 課題については後述。
During the placement year, I was benefited from the university in several ways. First, personal tutor was allocated to each student during placement year as well. (Especially, Tier 4 students are strictly required to see the personal tutor once a semester; Tier 4 guide by the university) Personal tutor during placement year would visit the student workplace to see the student several times if the location is within the UK. For oversea placements, personal tutor would use Skype as a substitute of visiting, but he/she would visit the student at least one time in a year (!) So my personal tutor came to Japan!! Of course neither did I nor my workplace pay him for his flight or accommodation.
Also, having access to online resources was great.
To add, I had several assessments that the lecturers would need to mark! (I am going to write about assessment in the next part)
5. Assessment
提出課題はあります!! 課題によって成績が決まります。私の年は、
「レポート(4000+2000 words)」50%
「Professional Development Review (PDR)」25%
「Presentation/ Poster」15%
「CV & Cover Letter」10%
レポート。「企業についてやオペレーションについてなど、今まで学んだこととリンクして分析するパート」が4000 words、「自分の振り返りパート」が2000 wordsで、合わせてひとつのレポート。今までに書いたレポートが1500 wordsとか2000 wordsだったのに比べて多い……! とびくびくしていましたが、調子に乗って書いていたら気づいたらオーバーしていました。特に分析パートが楽しくて、今までに学んだことを書き散らかした感じです……。点数がまだ出ていないので正しく書けていたかどうか、まったくもって分かりませんが……。
Professional Development Review (PDR)。大学が用意した、自分の振り返りツールのようなものです。パーソナルチューターの先生とのミーティングの後に書いて、先生や職場の上司のコメントを貰ったりします。
Placement Year would be assessed. In my year, the assessment was based on four assignments: report (50%), “Professional Development Review (PDR)” (25%), presentation/ poster (15%), and CV & Cover Letter (10%).
To explain in more detail about the large two assignments, first, the report was 4000+2000=6000 words! 4000 words for “subject specific/technical” part in which a student was required to write about the operation involved and to analyse it with identifying links with academic knowledge. The rest (2000 words) were for self-reflection. I had never done such a long (6000 words) report before (the typical assignment was 1500-2000 words in Year 1 and 2), and I was very nervous at first. But my report easily went beyond the word limit (!) I did enjoy finding links between academic knowledge and actual workplace in variety of aspects, although I have not received my mark yet and I don’t know whether I did alright or not.
Also, Professional Development Review is a tool provided by the university to reflect oneself. Students were required to write self-reflection after the meetings with their personal tutors, and then receive comments from the personal tutor and workplace supervisor.
6. By when should a student decide “to do or not to do”?
変えるタイミングとしては、2年生に上がってPlacementのことを考え出してから「やっぱりやめよう」といったこともできます。(大学での手続きは必要になりますが。)が、イメージがつけば早めから考えておくのが良いのかもです。私の学部Hospitality and Tourismでは、半分くらい?以上?Placementに行ったかな? という感じでした。
In terms of the selection of degree course, you would need to decide “with placement year” or “without placement year” by the time you apply for the university. However, you are able to change your decision during your course at last probably during the second year.
If you are international student and if you cannot decide, I would recommend to choose “with placement” for now, not only because I am personally recommending but because it would be difficult to extend your Visa (according to all the lecturer in my foundation year)!! I think around or more than half of the students in my course (Hospitality and Tourism) went for placement.
というわけで、Placement Yearの概要でした! まとまりのない無駄に長文になってしまいましたが、少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
So thank you for reading!!! I will be so glad if there is anyone who has read through today’s post which only has my messy writings without any beautiful photo. But at the same time, I really hope this could be some help for the students thinking to do placement. And I will hopefully write my persinal placement experience next week!