こんにちは! また一週間空いてしまいましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。ここサリーでは、冬休み前の今週・来週に課題の提出がある生徒が多く、皆忙しそうにしていた印象です。私自身も期限に追われていました。
ヒーターの話が長くなりましたが、今日は大学の提供する語学コース、「Global Graduate Award (GGA)」の語学コースについて書いていこうと思います。
Hello! I wasn’t able to write again last week. In Surrey, many (or most) students had (or have) assignments due this week or next week, just before the Christmas break. The library has been very crowded with hard working students. I also had reports to submit few days ago, and had been a bit busy.
Other than that, not many things have been dramatically changed since two weeks ago. The weather is stable; 0-4℃ for the lowest and 7-11℃ for the highest roughly. For my personal event, I have got repaired the heater in my room last week, and am very happy with my room being warm. …I (thought I) made a repair request to the university accommodation team at the end of October, but no one had visited my room. So last week I desperately sent an email saying something like “my room is very cold. The shared toilet is even warmer and therefore I keep going there.” Well it was not that direct but was still about toilet, and the team replied to me “I am sorry to hear that. Actually your last request was made on wrong address”. I checked … O! It was! That’s why. And they fixed my heater on the same day. Great team! So, here, the university accommodation has such an efficient service, so do ask if your heater does not work before going to toilet to get warm. Anyway.
Such a long story about heater for no reason, but today I am going to write about the university language course, Global Graduate Award (GGA) in Languages.
1.What is GGA?
GGAは大学が用意しているコースで、学部の授業にプラスして取ることができます。追加で発生する学費はなし。ただし成績は「Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)」に記載されるので、少し注意が必要です。授業は週に2時間、期間は1年。コースは11の言語、様々な難易度(ステージ)に分かれています。アラビア語(ステージ1~3)、英国手話(ステージ1~2)、中国語(ステージ1~3)、フランス語(ステージ1~6)、ドイツ語(ステージ1~5)、イタリア語(ステージ1~2)、日本語(ステージ1~2)、韓国語(ステージ1~2)、ポルトガル語(ステージ1~2)、ロシア語(ステージ1~2)、スペイン語(ステージ1~5)。成績はListening, Reading, Writing, Speakingの4技能で評価されます。私は今年、フランス語ステージ1を取りました。GGAの詳細はこちらです。
“Global Graduate Award (GGA)” is a module provided by the university, which can be added to your degree modules, two hours per week for two semesters (approx. 20 weeks). So you can learn language while you study on your degree course. It is for free, but you might have to decide carefully because the result of GGA will also be on “Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).” There are different language courses with different levels (stages) in difficulty; currently, Arabic (Stage 1-3), British Sign Language (Stage 1-2), Chinese (Stage 1-3), French (Stage 1-6), German (Stage 1-5), Italian (Stage 1-2), Japanese (Stage 1-2), Korean (Stage 1-2-), Portuguese (Stage 1-2), Russian (Stage 1-2), and Spanish (Stage 1-5). The assessment is based on four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I take French Stage 1 this year. The detail of GGA is available here (by the university).
2. How is my course
取る前は、「週に2時間でどれだけのことが学べるのだろう?」「学部の授業の妨げにならないかな」「そもそも英語も自信があるわけではないし……」等と色々考えていました。が、進度はそれなりに速く、かといって学部の授業を圧迫するほどでもなく、ほどよく実用的なだと感じています。フランス語ステージ1の概要は「完全なる初心者向け」となっていましたが、現時点まで8回の授業で、フランス語での簡単な自己紹介、家族の話、国と国籍、1~100までの数字、町の説明、職業、天気の話、辺りをカバーしました。« À Nice il pleut beaucoup en été. » « Ma mère est française, elle a 47 (quarante-sept) ans. » 辺りの文章は(私がどうかは置いておいて)即席で作れるようになっているそうです。単語数だと数字を除いて200程度。
I took GGA language course for the first time this year, and…I am glad I chose to do it. (I wonder why it sounds like a product review … is it because I recently did a text analysis of an Amazon review for my report? But, anyway, the module is very helpful). Before taking it, I was thinking “how much things can I learn in a language class which only has two hours a week?” “Would it affect my degree module if I have to dedicate too much time?” “Well, I am not even confident with English” etc. But I realised that the module is actually well balanced for me. The pace is not too slow (or I feel rather it’s slightly fast for a student with no knowledge), while the module does not demand too much either (just few hours of extra learning outside of the class a week). In the first 8 classes, it has covered greetings, family, country and nationality, figures (1~100), features in a town, occupations, and weather. Now I am supposed (supposed) to be able to make sentences like « À Nice il pleut beaucoup en été. » and « Ma mère est française, elle a 47 (quarante-sept) ans. » without a great hustle. It’s a good progress for me who did not know any French before. The number of vocabularies covered in the text book is around 200+numeric words so far in 8 weeks.
Many of my classmates are Hospitality and Tourism students (though I don’t know if this is only in my class or is a general trend). And most are either year 1 or 2, while there is a final year student (well, which is me) and a postgraduate student.
3. Course material
Course book

The class is mainly based on slides prepared by the lecturer, with exercises in the textbook. The main focus I feel is more on practical things (such as building up/speaking out sentences based on a example) rather than on grammar. Grammatical information is provided when needed. (though the teaching style could be different by lecturers?)
uTalk, a language learning app, is the thing that I was impressed to know at the final stage of Surrey student life. 30 languages are provided for free under the Surrey student log-in. 30! Really! You may probably know Duolingo, another language learning app. I have been using it for several languages as well, and I feel both Duolingo and uTalk has different advantages.
I would say Duolingo is good to learn a language more widely? (This is a personal feeling). You probably memorise some new words and some grammar, but supposedly do not need to remember a whole sentence. On the other hand, uTalk is very useful when I want to learn something specific; it has specific and detailed topics (“number”, “country”, “restaurant”, “food” etc). Each topic has a set of phrases, and you are apparently going to remember all the phrases through games and voice recording.
The thing I was positively surprised with uTalk was the variety of the languages covered. English is not just “English” but “English (British)”, “English (American)”, “English (Indian)” etc…different types of English! I have been listing those different English. (While the English covered by Surrey log-in is only British one, “Free Starter Words” in each language is free). And there are other interesting languages like Nigerian Pidgin.
So I am using both Duolingo and uTalk to learn French now. If you are Surrey student, I recommend you to download uTalk (marketing).
4. How to register
You will receive an email regarding GGA course at the beginning of each year. Then you will need to follow the steps written in the email. (Access to a specific webpage to log in to make an application). According to the current university policy (though it might perhaps be changed in the future) no lecture is allocated on Wednesday afternoon for majority of the students (if not for all). So many GGA classes are on Wednesday.
それから……これは少し悩んでいることですが、ブログの内容について。私が恐ろしく内向的な内容ばかり書いているせいで、「サリーに行くとこんな風に部屋で切手を集めて眺めながら言語の勉強ばかりすることになるのかな……嫌だな……」と思われているかもしれませんが、そんなことはありません……! 最近ふと振り返って、少し反省していました。ソーシャルライフが好きな人はソーシャルライフをエンジョイしています。友達と一緒にご飯を作るといったことはは定番として、他にもソサエティ(サークル)活動に顔を出したり、飲み会をしたり、ナイトライフに興味のある人は、大学内のRubixという “multi purpose concert and conference venue” で夜~深夜に行われているイベントに行ったりしています(Students’ Union主催のイベントが水曜・金曜にあります)。今後、その辺りのもう少しソーシャルな部分も、他の日本人に聞いてみたりして書けたらいいなと思っています(希望)。
So that’s it for GGA today.
And , this is what I have been concerned with these days…about the blog topics. Since I have not been writing about social aspects of the university life, you may be thinking “so…many Surrey students are just collecting stamps or reading Shakespeare’s works or just studying languages like that…?” NO! Many people have more social life! No worries. I know many people (especially freshers) cook together with their friends sometime, or go to some society events and bar-crawl. If you are interested in night life, University “Rubix” has night events hosted by the Students’ Union. I am hoping that future myself will write these social things in the future. (I’ll try!) Thanks a lot for reading today.