



前回書くと言ったソーシャルライフに関してですが、どうしても私自身が活動エネルギーをインドアな趣味から摂取しがちなため、情報が集まっておりません! 他の人から情報収集しまた書くことにします。気になっていらっしゃる方にはすみません……。


Hello! I had not even said Happy New Year here…Happy New Year! I am very sorry for not updating this blog for two month. If there is anyone who had visited my blog to see any new post, I will be very happy but I should have been more responsible.

In this two months, there were a lot of things in Surrey. Christmas Break from 23rd Dec. to 10th Jan., Revision Week from 13th Jan., Exam period from 16th Jan. to 31st Jan., Reading Week from 3rd Feb. to 7th Feb., and Second Semester from 10th Feb. The exam schedule varies for each student. I was very lucky to finish all the exams by 18th January. But some of my friends had exams until very end of January.

And now……I wanted to write social aspects of Surrey life, as I mentioned in the last or last last blog. But I realised that I am a person who tend to get energy from indoor hobbies, and I hadn’t got enough energy to spare on social events in the busy semester.. I’ll write those things when I get information from other (Japanese) students! Sorry if there is someone who is interested in social life in Surrey.. So, thanks to my lucky exam schedule, I had enough time to go to Paris before the second semester started, and I am writing about it today.




Going to France was by air, and coming back to the UK was by Eurostar. At first, I was planning to use Eurostar for both ways, but when I checked the price on the webpage, “£150 on 23rd or 24th January from London to Paris, and £29 on 1st February from Paris to London” was the result. I changed my mind to use EasyJet for one way. Probably I should have booked well in advance, not as late as on 17th January, which was the time I finally got tired of studying for exam. The ticket of EasyJet was £79.48 including one hold luggage, and Eurostar one way was £50.


Day 1: (24th Jan.)

「ストライキで飛行機に影響がでるかも」と言われていましたが、私の乗った飛行機は定刻でガトウィック空港を出発し、定刻でシャルルドゴール空港に着きました。パリの交通もロンドンと同じようにゾーン制(ゾーン1~5)のようで、それによればシャルルドゴール空港はゾーン5。パリ中心部ゾーン1まで電車で移動しました。1時間もかからずにパリ北駅に到着。この電車チケットを買うのには少し苦労して、機械が€50の紙幣を受け付けてくれず、対人のカウンターは閉まっていて、紙幣を崩そうと思って売店でタルトを買おうとしたらそこも€50紙幣を受け付けてもらえず、恐らく「中の売店ならできる」といったようなことを言ってくださっているのだろうけれど言葉が分からない……! といったことがありました。フランス語が話せればよかったのに……。と、このペースで8泊9日分を書いていると恐ろしく長くなりそうなので割愛しつつ。

“As a result (of strike), we expect delays and disruption to a number of our flights” was on the live update on EasyJet app. But, fortunately, my flight took off from London Gatwick on time and landed on Charles de Gaulle on time. The transportation system in Paris is based on “zone system”, which seemed quite similar to the one in London for me. It took less than one hour from Charles de Gaulle (Zone 5) to Gare de Nord (Zone 1).


Day 2


Actually, one of my friends from my high school (in Japan) was in France for one month for study. So I met her on weekend (25th and 26th January) and we together walked around the city of Paris. She brought me all the important places very efficiently. Tower Eiffel, Arc de Triomphe, Île de la Cité……l’Opéra was magnificent.

また、切手好きとしては、文具屋さんの奥の郵便コーナーで色んな切手を買うことができて嬉しかったです。ねずみ年の切手もあって! イギリスのRoyal Mailのオンラインショップでもフレーム切手のような感じ(と言うのでしょうか)で干支の切手を見かけましたが、中国文化が切手に取り入れられているのは興味深いです。あとフランスはハート形の切手が可愛い。

Also, as a postage-stamp lover, I was happy to find postage stamps in a stationary store. There were stamps featuring the lunar year of rat! I remember I saw lunar year stamps on British Royal Mail online shop as well. It is interesting to see Chinese/Asian culture in postage stamps in western countries. Also France has heart-shaped stamps which is beautiful.


And, I enjoyed taking many photos of the River Seine and bridges, as, you know, the scene in which Prince Florizel threw a diamond into the River Seine from a bridge (in New Arabian Nights “The Rajah’s Diamond” by Stevenson) is my favourite. My friend was kind and let me photograph as many bridge as I wanted. Thanks to her, now I have 20 different Seine bridges in my iPhone. (There are many bridges on the River Seine!)


Day 3


Palace of Versailles was beautiful and large…throughout this trip, I was feeling like “I should have well learnt French history, French language and Latin language…!” But I really enjoyed watching such beautiful rooms.


Day 5


I (alone) went to Paris Disneyland. Though I myself am not quite a Disney lover (I am sorry to say this), but my another friend in Japan is a huge fun of it, so I thought I had to go there for an experience. It was nice! The Alice’s Labyrinth was very cute. I loved the atmosphere. There was apparently no fancy flavour of popcorn unlike Japanese Disney, but instead Chocolate waffle was delicious. The ticket price was different by date/season. The day that I visited was lowest-rated. The park was not crowded, whilest some popular attractions got the waiting times up to 60-90 minutes. I enjoyed the time at Paris Disney!


Day 4, 6-9


Thanks to my friend on Day 2 and 3, I had plenty of time to use on Paris on Day 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. So while visiting tourism sites, I was able to walk every single road/location that appeared in New Arabian Nights…Luxembourg Gardens, Montmartre, Rue Lepic, Rue Ravignan, Rue Drouot, Rue de Martyrs, Rue de Richelieu… Now I got a lot of photos of street names in my iPhone.

ジュテームの壁。日本語もいくつかありました。ヒエログリフや楔形文字も! エスペラントがあると聞いてかなり粘ったのですがなかなか見つからず……。

Je t’aime wall. There were couple of Japanese “I love you” as well. Also, I saw hieroglyphic and cuneiform “I love you”! I had heard Esperanto was also written on the wall, but unfortunately I could not find…


Sainte Chapelle. It had beautiful stained glass as well as beautiful colouring of inside!

コンコルド広場! イギリスの通称「クレオパトラの針」はテムズ川沿いに割かしひっそりと佇んでいるのですが、こちらは広場の真ん中に置かれていてとても目立っていました。ヒエログリフに興味のある人間なのでなんだか嬉しいです。ただ歴代王のヒエログリフ表記を憶えたら楽しそうだなと思いながらまったく憶えていない……。

Place de la Concorde! Cleopatra’s Needle in London is in alongside of the River Themes, but “Luxor Obelisk” is in the centre of this large place, and therefore it is eye catching. I should have remembered the name of Pharaoh in hieroglyph so that I was able to recognise those on this obelisk….

クレープリー! パリを歩いていたら、驚くほどたくさんクレープリーとパティスリーとパン屋(boulangerie)と肉屋(boucherie)があってびっくりでした。美味しかったです。

Crêaprie! I was surprised by the amount of crêperies, pâtisseries, boulangeries and boucheries in Paris. The crepe was very sweet and I liked it a lot.


Shakespeare and Company. I was actually relieved to hear British English for the first time in many days there. This shop had a lot of English books! And I purchased French/English version of Hamlet there. My book got a special stamp at the casher.


From Gare de Nord to London St. Pancras. I didn’t have to go out from Zone 1 in Paris, so it was easy. Also, unlike in airplane, I was able to use the Internet (though there was no signal under the sea). Oh. By the way, my phone was automatically connected to the local Internet when I arrived at France. Apparently my giffgaff SIM covered it. The Internet connection is often one of the hardest things when travelling abroad for me, so it was nice.


So I returned back to the UK on 1st of February, and as a result I travelled to outside of EU for the first time in four months because of Brexit happened the day before. I reached at Guildford station midnight, after the normal bus schedule. But thankfully, night bus is running this year during term time. Thanks a lot to the bus company.

以上、なんだか、あまり具体的なことを書かずさっぱりしてしまったかも知れませんが……パリ旅行でした! テスト後は課題もなく行きたい場所に行く良い機会かもしれません。パリは思ったよりも行きやすかったので、フランス語がもう少し身に付いた頃にまた行きたい。それでは、今日もここまでお読みいただきありがとうございました。

I feel like the contents are not very detailed but…it was my first trip to Paris! The time before semester 2 could be a good time to go a short trip, as you will probably have no report submission. Paris was very easy to go. I would love to go there again! probably when my French get to be improved to experience Paris more.