非常にラッキーなことに、ツーリズム系のコースの私たちは3週間ある試験期間の初日に全ての試験が終了したため、後期に向けて準備することはありましたが、自分たちへのご褒美として3日間のロードトリップへ出かけることにしました。メンバーは全部で8人。サリー大学のツーリズム系コースは全部で3つ(International Tourism Management, International Tourism Marketing, International Tourism Development)あるのですが、その全てのコースから参加したため、出身国もバックグランドも違う非常にキャラクターの濃いメンバーが集まりました。レンタカーを2台借りて、Airbnbで宿を予約。スケジュールは、まずギルフォードから車で約2時間程度のところにあるバース(Bath)を目指し、翌日にそこから30分離れたブリストル(Bristol)、帰りにストーンヘンジ(Stonehenge)という盛りだくさんの日程。
初日はまず朝10時過ぎに予約していたレンタカーをピックアップ。イギリスは車が道路の左側を走行する世界でも数少ない国のうちの1つで、そのため誰が運転するかという話で少し時間をとりました。みなさんもご存知のとおり日本もイギリスと同様左側走行なのですが、私は国際運転免許証を日本で作成してこなかったため、運転することはできません。また、国際運転免許証を所持していたとしても、オートマ車限定免許しか持っていないため、マニュアル車が主流のイギリスではオートマ車のレンタルは高額となり難しいです。結局中国人とリトアニア人の友達がそれぞれ運転してくれることになりました。バースではバース寺院(Bath Abbey)とローマンバス(Roman Baths)が2大観光名所。地元のレストランでフィッシュアンドチップスを食べてから宿へ。夕食は両日とも宿で料理をして食べました。初日はタイ料理、2日目はイタリアン。みんなで協力して料理をするのは楽しい上に節約にもなって、一石二鳥です。
2日目は次の目的地であるブリストルへ。まずは目玉である蒸気船グレートブリテン号(SS Great Britain)を見に行きました。グレートブリテン号は、商船としては初の鋼鉄製で、外洋船として初めてスクリュープロペラを搭載した蒸気船とのこと。船全体が博物館になっていて、当時の船内の様子が細かく再現されていました。音や臭いもうまく表現していて、子供から大人まで楽しめる観光スポットです。その後はブリストルの街を一望できるキャボットタワー(Cabot Tower)にのぼり景色を楽しんだ後、バースの宿へ帰宅。夕食後はバース市内のゲイバーでカラオケナイトを開催中との情報を得たので行ってみたら、最高に楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。
Hello, everyone! Today I will talk about the road trip we took last week. Luckily, for the tourism MSc students, all the exams and the assignments were over by the first day of the exam period! Since we have 3 more weeks before the second semester starts, we come up with the idea of going on a road trip, just to have a nice break with our course mates. There are 3 postgraduate courses in tourism at Surrey (International Tourism Management, International Tourism Marketing, and International Tourism Development), and we had 8 members from all the courses with 7 different nationalities (Italy, Lithuania, Oman, Dominica, China, Thailand, and Japan), so the group was diverse and it made the trip even more exciting! We rented 2 cars and booked the accommodation through Airbnb, which was the easiest and cheapest option for us. The schedule covered Bath, Bristol, and the Stonehenge.
The trip started at the car rental shop close to the university at 10 in the morning. As many people know, UK is one of those countries that drive on the left. Hence, it was difficult to decide who are going to drive because most of us are not used to driving on the left. Japan drives on the right, but I couldn’t be a driver because I didn’t have an international drivers license and on top of that, my license only allows me to drive an automatic transmission car (!). It is very common in Japan that you only have a license for AT cars and not MT cars. Anyway, we arrived in Bath after 2 hours of drive and visited the Bath Abbey. The Roman Baths is also one of the main tourism venues but we didn’t go in this time. After having amazing fish and chips at a local restaurant, we checked in at the apartment and cooked our dinner. We cooked both nights (the first night was Thai and the second night was Italian) and it was such a brilliant idea- fun and cheap!
On the next day, we departed for Bristol and the first stop was the SS Great Britain, a museum ship and former passenger steamship, which was the first iron steamer to cross the Atlantic in 1845. The ship is very well presented as a museum with so many detailed features including sounds and smells; the stable made the sounds of horses and the kitchen smelled like foods. It is a perfect touristic venue for everyone from adults to children. After climbing up to the Cabot Tower where we could see the beautiful view of Bristol, we went back to our accommodation in Bath. Later at night, we went to a gay bar where the Karaoke was on and had a wonderful time.
The last day started with fantastic brunch at a small town called Warminster. Then we went to the Stonehenge to enjoy its mysterious history. The sunset made the view even more artistic and we spent over an hour taking photos! We stopped at another small town called Salisbury for a coffee and came back to Guildford safe and sound.
Going on a trip with the people you share the studying purposes is a great experience. By renting cars and booking reasonable accommodation, you can actually go on a trip with cheap expenses (I spent around 150 pounds overall for 3 days). UK is full of attractive places and it’s not only about London. I strongly recommend you to grab your course mates and take a short but lovely road trip!