次にジムについて。サリー大学のキャンパスは2つあり、1つは多くの学部と学生寮、大学の中心的施設が集まるStag Hill Campus、もう1つは学生寮の一部とリサーチセンター、獣医学部等が位置するManor Park Campusです。ジムはManor Park Campusにあり、Stag Hill Campusからは徒歩で約20分、バスで約10分の距離です。Surrey Sports Parkという名のこのジムは、広大な敷地と豊富なトレーニング器具を保有しているだけでなく、プールやテニスコート、バスケットボールコート、スクワッシュコート等もあり、あらゆるスポーツを体験することができます。また、ヨガやピラティス、ズンバなどのフィットネスクラスも充実しており、勉強の息抜きに体を動かすには最高の場所です。2015年のラグビーワールドカップの際にはイタリアとアイルランドのナショナルチームが練習ベースとして当施設を利用した他、2012年ロンドンオリンピック・パラリンピックの際にも17カ国が利用しました。この実績からも、Surrey Sports Parkの施設がいかに優れたものであるかわかります。
最後にナイトクラブについて。キャンパス内にあるナイトクラブRubix!では、毎週水曜夜と金曜夜にクラブイベントが開催されます。ハロウィンやクリスマス等のメジャーイベントの他、テーマパーティ(今週はスターウォーズです)も多く開催され、学生に人気の夜遊びスポットです。キャンパス内に位置しているので、寮から遠くないというのも人気の理由の1つです。またRubix!ではナイトイベント以外にも様々なイベントが行われます。以前に紹介した野菜&果物マーケットを始め、古着市やポスターセールなど、学生の興味を引くイベントが多数開催されています。来週月曜日(2月8日)にはSpring Festival & Asian Nightsと題してアジア各国の料理を楽しむことができるイベントが開催されます。残念ながら日本はソサエティがないため参加しませんが、中国やベトナム、フィリピン等のソサエティがそれぞれの国の料理を売るそうなので、時間がある方はぜひ足を運んでみてください。
Hello, everyone! Today I will talk about university facilities; specifically, library, sports gym, and student club.
The most characteristic point of Surrey Library is its opening hours. In the semester period, it’s open for 24 hours and library staffs are there to help you until 8PM. It’s staffed with security guards after 8PM, so you feel safe even when you study all night long. Depending on the occasions and your preferences, you can choose the place to study at. For example, if you want to practice your group presentation with 3 other people, you can book a group study room online (2 hours slot, a day to a month in advance). If you are a type of person who gets easily bothered by noise, you can go to a silent study room where even whispering is not allowed. I also go to the silent study room when I want to concentrate on my assignments without distraction.
Surrey also has a fascinating sports facility, which has been chosen as an official preparation camp training venue for a number of sports events in the past few years, including London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic and Rugby World Cup 2015. The gym is called Surrey Sports Park and it is located in Manor Park Campus of the university, which is 20 minutes away from Stag Hill Campus on foot (10 minutes by bus). Apart from Surrey Sports Park, there are the buildings of school of veterinary medicine, Surrey Research Park, and some of the student accommodations at Manor Park Campus. The gym includes a great number of training machines as well as a swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, football courts, and squash courts. Also, the gym organises fitness classes such as Zumba, Yoga, and Pilates, which you can attend as much as you want to if you have a mebmership.
Lastly, our beloved night out venue: Rubix!. Rubix! is a student night club which is located on campus (right next to my accommodation, to be more precise!) and hosts a lot of night events as well as daytime activities. The nightclub parties are on Wednesdays and Fridays, whereas the daytime events happen almost everyday. The vegetables & fruits market on Thursdays is one of them. Apart from this, I have been to vintage clothing markets and movie poster sales, both of which are very enjoyable and perfect for university students. On Monday 8th February, “Spring Festival & Asian Night!” will be on. For celebration of Chinese New Year, a variety of Asian societies will sell foods from their countries. Unfortunately, Japan will not be part of it as we do not have an official society, but there will be many Asian societies participating, such as China, South Korea, Vietnam, and Philippines. Have a look at the website and attend the event if you are interested!
Student life is not only about studying, but you also need some time for exercises and night outs. The facilities at Surrey cover everything you need and I believe this is one of the good reasons to choose Surrey amongst all the other competitive universities!