My new experiences with student groups and associations!

Hola! Hello!

I want to share with you my experience trying out new student groups and associations on campus. The University of Surrey has a great variety that you can choose from. The first time you might hear about them is at Fresher’s fair, where all of the universities groups and societies show case what they have to offer, and they have a contact list where you can sign up in order to receive their emails and news. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram for latest news and events.

This past Saturday I went on a hiking trip organized by the Hiking Society. It started at 10:00am and it lasted until 2:00pm. We went to the hills that are behind the university and by the end we ended up in town. It was a beautiful day because the sun came out in the afternoon. It was a great experience because I was able to take a friend of mine that visited me on the same trail and he loved it! So now I know more about Guildford and I can share that experience. Here are some pictures from the February hiking trip!

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I also attended a movie night by the Disney society where we watched Monsters Inc, (which is my favourite Disney movie!) In the future I plan on trying to ice skate with the Ice Skating society, since I have never done it before. I think I should learn to do it now that I am in the UK, plus it is only 1 pound with the Ice Staking society.

Something wonderful about this university is that all the groups and societies make social events during the year. So I will be attending a Latin night! Which has been organised by the Salsa, Hispanic, Italian, French, and Portuguese student societies. You see, there is something for everyone here!

Have a great rest of the week! Until next time! 🙂