Surrey meets Latin America

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Latin American student

Living in University Accommodation

Hey! Sorry for the sporadic nature of my blog posts lately, hopefully next week I’ll be fully settled into my new schedule and start blogging at a consistent time again. This week I’ll talk about how living in university accommodation has been like so far. I live in Twyford Court. It’s very close to the […]

Accessing healthcare in the UK

Hey! Sorry I’ve been away from blogging so long, it’s been a hectic few weeks given that the final exam period was two weeks long and I happened to have exams starting from the first day at 9am all the way to 6pm on the last day. During the Christmas break I was able to […]

Beautiful Sunny Winter Days!

Hello everyone! Hola a todos!!

Happy new year!!

I wanted to share with you a few pictures I took of the university campus today because it is such a beautiful winter day at the University of Surrey.

You see I love blue skies and coming form South America, I grew up hearing how the weather in the UK is terrible because it rains a lot and it is always cold and grey. When I decided to come to the UK to do my Masters I bought a lot of winter clothes and I was ready to embrace the grey, sad, rainy weather. But let me tell you that since September, when I arrived to Surrey, I only used my umbrella three times, and it only snowed once this far.

I do come from a cold city, La Paz, Bolivia. A high city in the Andes so I am used to the cold. But it does not mean I like grey and rainy, so Guildford surprised me with its wonderful weather. I did not have to worry about rainy too much or grey or sad at all! If you are coming from a valley or a tropical city then do not worry, the winter is not as terrible here as in other places in the the north of the UK or Europe.



 This is the view from my own room! It is a beautiful view and even better with the blue sky.


This is the view from the Admissions and Recruitment’s office. It overlooks the lake.


This is the view of the lake in a beautiful winter day.


 In this picture you can see the library!

It is cold but beautiful when it is sunny and here at Surrey it has been mostly sunny! So coming from south America  you do not have to be afraid of the weather or the snow of the UK, you can be sure that by being at Surrey you will have a wonderful time even in the winter!

Until next time!

Carla 🙂


My experience applying for a UK visa

Since Carla wrote about visas last week I decided I would write about my own experience applying for a UK visa this week. When I first read the visa application guide I assumed I needed to have all required documents before submitting my visa application online, which I didn’t, and that assumption caused me to […]

UK and Schengen Visas-A Necessary Evil

Hello my friends! I say that visas are a necessary evil because we need them in order to go to certain destinations. (If you are a person with a double citizenship, and may not require a visa, then you are a very lucky person.) For most people in South America, and in the Unites States, […]

A Sneak Peek into a British Christmas

Since I’m traveling back to Guatemala for the holidays and this past weekend was the last weekend of the year I get to spend in Britain my best friend and her mother decided to have an early Christmas day with me on Sunday. While Christmas traditions vary widely from family to family within the same […]

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