Surrey meets Latin America

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Latin American student

A wonderful place to be!

Hello everyone!:) I can tell you that I was nervous to come to the UK to do my Masters but it is a decision that I do not regret and that I am very thankful for because Surrey is a wonderful place to be.  I learned so much with my program and I gained so […]

What’s it like to be a student ambassador?

I often get asked what kind of things I do as a student ambassador and what the application process was like so that’s today’s topic! For the application process I remember filling out a form on the website and emailing it, I think it described what the different teams did and asked you to tell […]


Today I’m going to talk about clearing, as I worked for the university during clearing this past week and it’s something I wasn’t aware of while applying to UK universities (or until last week really, I was very confused when I got the email requesting people to work during clearing since I associate that word […]

Participating in Clinical Trials

As you may know, the university has a clinical research centre where they run clinical studies. You can register as a volunteer on their website, as well as see any open studies ( and occasionally there’s emails about the studies sent out to all students. I recently participated in a study at the university and […]

Working while studying at Surrey

I’ve been wanting to write a post about job applications and what working as an international student entails but I keep putting it off because so far my job search hasn’t been very successful and I don’t want my experiences to make people think it’s impossible to find a job, but on the other hand […]

How does the English grading system work?

Since grades came out a few days ago I thought it would be a good topic to talk about in the blog, as I found it very confusing at the start (and my friends in other parts of the world still find it confusing when I talk about it). For most of my classes the […]

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