With exams fast approaching, we want to help you find the best possible place to study.

Library+ is returning Monday 13 – 31 January , to provide over 150 additional study spaces just a short walk from the Library in the Lewis Carroll Building (AC03, located opposite Santander Bank).
Study space app
Did you know, the Library now features on the new study space app? Check how busy each floor is before you arrive, allowing you to turn up and find a study space with minimal stress: https://studyspace.surrey.ac.uk/organizations/75cd48d6-407c-4e74-8fb6-135334ea2d32
Click on the ‘Library’ for a break down by level.
‘Find-a-seat’ service
If you’re struggling to find the right study space, then take advantage of our ‘Find-a-seat’ service! From Monday 13 January, student ambassadors will be on hand at our busiest times to help you find somewhere suitable across the Library and Library+ spaces.

Priority space for final year students
Priority silent study space for final years will return once more from Monday 13 January, in the silent room on Level 5 of the Library. If you’re not sure where this is, please just speak to Library staff or a student ambassador who will be happy to point you in the right direction!
To use our space as efficiently as possible, we need your help.

We’ll be encouraging you to take action and use space that has been ‘reserved’ unfairly. Look out for blue #FairSpaceForAll notices flagging up how long a space has been left empty – if it’s been left for longer than 40 mins, feel free to move items aside and use the space. Alternatively, if you see desks left abandoned for longer than 40 mins that we haven’t flagged up, just let us know by texting our noise alert number (07972 218326) or speak to a member of staff.
These schemes will be running throughout the January exam period. Any feedback or suggestions on other ways we can help make best use of the study space, please let us know: library-feedback@surrey.ac.uk.