Library vacation opening – your views sought

In January we asked you the following question via a quick poll:

“Should the Library close overnight in the summer vacation to help the University’s carbon footprint?”

We provided the following background information:

  • Headcount data taken from the Library shows a significant drop-off between mid-June and mid-September. On average, there are only 3-4 students in the Library between the hours of midnight and 8am. 
  • Closing the Library throughout this period would reduce costs, energy, and carbon emissions. The carbon saved would be the equivalent to the annual carbon emissions from heating 6 average UK homes*.
    *UK Committee on Climate Change

554 people responded, of whom 75% said the Library should close and 25% said it should not. We’d like to follow up this poll with some more in depth conversations before making any final decision and will be running two focus groups, one for undergraduates and one for both taught and research postgraduates, at the following times:

PGT and PGR      Tues 5 April 1-2pm

UG                       Weds 6 April 1-2pm

Both focus groups will be held on MSTeams and a £10 voucher will be available for anyone attending.

If you’d like to join one of these focus groups please email If you’re unable to join one of these groups but would still like to contribute please email your comments and suggestions to