Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Welcome to the Library!

We’re delighted to welcome our February starters to the University of Surrey Library! We have a few ways to help get you up and running with everything the Library has to offer: Watch our welcome videos for a wealth of information about what we have to offer in the way of study space, services and […]

How to encourage students to engage with their BibliU eTextbooks:

We have some tips on encouraging student interaction with their reading and making the best of their BibliU eTextbook access: Tips to engage To encourage engagement with the BibliU eTextbook, you might want to consider: Regularly reminding your students which book has been chosen for your module/programme and why you have chosen it Taking some […]

Exam time in the Library

For those of you who are planning to sit your exams in the Library in January we’d like to highlight the following services and resources: Individual study rooms All our group study rooms can be booked on an individual basis for up to 6 hours from Tuesday 4 January until Friday 28 January. Priority space […]

Winter vacation loans – a reminder

Please note that loans will continue to circulate as usual and may be requested by another user at any time over the vacation period. Between 24 December and 3 January, no items will be due for return (this also includes any recalled items). Please continue to check your university email account for any notifications from […]

Take the library with you

As we approach Winter Vacation, here’s a helpful reminder of the top things you need to know so that you can take the Library with you, wherever you’ll be for the holidays! Chat to us! Library staff are on hand to help support you throughout the vacation period. Head to Library webpage and use the Live Chat […]

Reflecting on the Student Curator Project: Working Class Voices, Culture and Communities by John Attridge

Now the project is coming towards its end, I can see that working on the Student Curator Project at Surrey has definitely been one of the more creative activities I’ve managed to undertake during my PhD research. As so many libraries, universities and archives were closed to visitors during the various Covid-19 lockdowns, I’ve rarely […]

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