Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

What’s new in the Library

After an incredibly busy summer, we’re really pleased to welcome you back to some fabulous refurbished spaces in the Library. The scale of the work we undertook meant that work went into the first half of October, but we hope you’ve forgiven any initial disruption now that we have 120 additional spaces for this academic […]

New group study booths available to book

Our new group study booths on Level 4 of the library are now available to book from the Library’s group study room booking page. You’ll see we now have 11 bookable group study spaces: Group study rooms 1-7 Group study booths 8-11 Each of the booths have large screens and are suitable for groups of […]

Where’s my books!

There’s been a huge amount of work going on in the Library over the summer to provide new shelving and additional study spaces, and one of the results of this is you won’t find books where they were last year! Books are now in the following locations: If you need any help finding a book, […]

Update on Library refurbishment

If you’ve been into the Library over the summer you’ll know it’s been a bit of a building site in places as we refurbish large areas to provide additional study spaces and brand new shelving. Finally things are starting to take shape with actual books being returned to bright new shelving! We’re nearly there, but […]

Unstaffed service – August Bank Holiday

There will be no staffed service in the Library on Monday 28 August due to the late summer Bank Holiday. You can continue to issue and return books as normal, as self-service machines will continue to be available. If you have any urgent library enquiries, please email us: and we will answer these as soon as possible upon our […]

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