Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

The listening station in the library

You can use the listening station on level 2 of the library to listen to CDs. The main unit is on the wall, and close by there are three desks with control panels, and full instructions. Plug your headphones into the control panel, and you will be able to listen to the CD. There is […]

Adjustable desks in the Library

While working in the library you may come across desks which can be moved up and down for those students who need to have desks at different heights (for example those in a wheelchair).   The five desks can be found in the following locations: Next to the Ask Me Desk by the window. IT Room 1 […]

How to find a book in the Library

Don’t know where to start? Help is at hand! Go to SurreySearch and sign in (top right-hand corner). Search for your item. Write down the call number – not the barcode – including the 3 letters (see below) 4. Once you have the number, take a look at the poster below (you’ll also see copies of this […]

Finding subject specific library resources

Your subject page on the library website is the place to go for subject specific library resources. Choose your subject from the list here to access your subject page. From your subject page you can access: Reading lists for your modules Databases – these are tools to help you identify and access quality information to […]

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