Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Italia è magnifico!

Hey guys! I’m gonna jump right into it. The absolute highlight of my Spring break would definitely have to be going to Italy! I went with a friend of mine (who was born and raised in Bologna) and moved around for a week. What a week it was.   We started our adventure in Venice. […]

Ah Events! management in Surrey II

While busying writing dissertation and preparing for Spanish exam, this week is getting even crazier as my event City of Stars is coming up (cannot hide the feeling that we are so hyped to showcase it to public as we put full effort in it), and also I was involved in the Geography Association conference as well as […]

Scotland Hiking Adventures

Hey everyone! As most of you might know, we’ve been on Easter break (Spring break; whichever one you wanna call it) for two weeks now. It’s great because the break lasts for a whole month! And the best thing is Surrey doesn’t immediately have exams right after the semester reopens *phew*.   Anyways, I spent […]


好像很久沒有好好看一場電影了。似乎也很久沒好好煮一頓晚餐了。拚命趕一個紅綠燈的時間、省一頓午餐、多熬兩小時再睡。節省攥著那些時間,用來多寫一份報告、多打幾通電話給、多發幾封郵件。這些多一點都可以為你的流水帳般的記事本裡多畫走幾個待辦事項。 但這些的多一點,總是來不及應付猝不及防的意外。研究生大致如此吧!每天醒來就是從零開始的忙碌,開始整理報告,寫文獻,催郵件,周而復始。就連休息也顯得匆忙。想成長,再成長。不想跑在後頭,追著 deadline的尾巴懊悔,所以在每天醒來的那一刻,不留退路地要自己把一天用到極致。甚至不敢犯錯,擔心有什麼拖曳了成長速度。 但是這忙碌,還享受嗎? 選讀活動策劃,原本就已經預想了工作狂的模式。只是沒想到報告與無數活動的接踵而至,加上對未來迷惘的壓力,還是會累。 在雜音中靜心傾聽自己 如果忙碌是雜音,那麼學會忙裡偷閒,便是每個活動策劃人該學會的靜心。我們沒有太多的緩衝時間,咔,十分鐘休息,那便充分休息打哈。咔,十分鐘以後,變得馬上投入100%專注力。如斯而已。 認清過程 忙到一個極致的時候,總是會洩氣,不知道為何而忙。說白了就是不明白為何要遠赴英國折磨自己。原本可以好好待在家的舒適圈避世,偏偏選擇了挑戰難度。然後因為是自己選擇的路,跪著也要走完的道理,便沒有理由後退,而你的傲氣也不允許自己後退。於是我們迷惘。擺盪於自我和他人之間,擺盪於左與右之間,擺蕩於尋根與世界之間。看不到前方時,那邊看看腳下吧!看看後方你留下的足跡也可以,那你曾經努力的過程與歷史,都值得記下學習。 共享脆弱 走過低潮,走過風光。淡而致遠,最易最難。這世界上還是有一個或是一些人在那個地方,不著力就看穿情緒高低起伏,不費力就理解我們的欲言又止。在那個你看得見的和你看不見的近處又或是遠方,他所帶給你的安心一直以來都不會因為任何原因而突然消失。那個安全感就像是,他跟你說我先睡了明天再跟你說,但明天起床他並沒有跟你聯繫,你也不會覺得他是不是消失了;他跟你說我先出門吃飯有空再說,但接下來他兩天都沒有回你,你也不會覺得他是不是去交了新朋友而不理你了;他跟你說我先去洗澡晚點聊,但下次再敲你已經是五天後的事,你也不會覺得他是不是不那麼在乎你了。互動不用刻意記著但也不會忘記,不用刻意裝堅強也不用怕被看穿脆弱,想說的時候隨時可說,懶得說的時候也不用擔心對方會不會生氣,可以大方的在彼此之間做最真實自然的那個樣子——那便是最舒服的樣子。在親密無間的老朋友面前,在你最熟悉的家人面前,在一起打拼的戰友面前。 My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. —  Lisa Genova [Still Alice]

Chamonix Honeymoon with the Gang

The most common challenge that one international student face is not being able to adjust and adapt into new life, and new style of teaching. You know, Asian style of teaching primarily focuses on memorise over and over again, and exam over and over again. But it is completely different over here. I have already […]

One World Week

Hi everyone! How are we doing today?   Today’s post is going to be just a little story time about the One World Week that was held two weeks ago. I know I know, late to report again haha sorry guys it’s been a hectic week! It was manifestos and annual grand meetings week with the […]

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