Sara Pasquetti is co-organiser of the conference “STAL2013: Supersymmetric Theories and Localization” which took place 4-6 November at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Parma. The website for the conference is here.
Background on the conference: recent years have seen increasing interest in constructing and studying supersymmetric gauge theories on curved manifolds. The supersymmetry algebras of these theories are deformed to accommodate background curvature and the resulting partition functions can be computed via a particular saddle-point procedure, known as the supersymmetric localization technique. Thanks to this technique, an impressive number of new exact results have been derived for supersymmetric theories in different dimensions, mainly when formulated on spheres or products thereof. These exact results boosted in turn further remarkable discoveries such as AGT-type correspondences,tests of non-trivial large N scalings, the Z-minimization and F-theorem and a new method, alternative to mirror symmetry, for the computations of Gromov-Witten invariants.This informal meeting aims at bringing together experts and young researchers working on the field hoping to provide a forum to stimulate further progress.