Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

School PGR Conference takes place this week organised by Jessica Furber

The Mathematics, Physics and Space Postgraduate Research Conference was held this week (on Tuesday 28 January). The Principal Organiser was Jessica Furber, with the assistance of Elliott Sulinge-Farrall (reading abstracts and consultation), and Bertie Woodward-Rowe (co-judge). This event showcases the research of current PhD students. The co-prize for best talk went to Daniel Caitlin (with […]

Article of Anne Skeldon with an analysis of compressed working hours published in The Conversation

The article “Why not all plans for a four-day working week would be a win for health“, co-authored by Anne Skeldon, Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre (SSRC)), and Stephen W Lockley (Visiting Professor and Vice-Chancellor Fellow, SSRC), has been published today (Tuesday 28 January) in The Conversation (link here). The article emphasises that shorter […]

PhD student Gabriele Barbieri on long-term visit from University of Pavia to work with Cesare Tronci

Gabriele Barbieri, a Mathematics PhD student at the University of Pavia (Italy) and currently enrolled within the joint Bicocca-Pavia PhD programme in Mathematics, is visiting Maths@Surrey for three months, finishing in April. His thesis advisor is Prof. Mauro Spera at the Catholic University in Brescia. His host for the Surrey visit is Cesare Tronci, and they are working on problems in […]

Fabio Marino passes Milano-Bicocca component of his PhD viva

Congratulations to Fabio Marino for passing the Milano-Bicocca component of his PhD viva today (Monday 27 January)! The subject of Fabio’s thesis is “Probing Bad Theories With The Dualisation Algorithm“. Fabio‘s supervisors are Sara Pasquetti for the Milano-Bicocca part and Alessandro Torrielli for the Surrey part. The examination committee consisted of Diego Rodriguez-Gomez (Oviedo), Itamar Yaakov […]

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