Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Falconer, Lloyd, and Santitissadeekorn on data-driven modelling to appear in Physica D

The paper “Tracking and forecasting oscillatory data streams using Koopman autoencoders and Kalman filtering“, co-authored by Stephen Falconer, David Lloyd, and Naratip Santitissadeekorn, has been accepted for publication in Physica D. A final-form version is available on the arXiv (link here). This paper formed part of Stephen Falconer‘s PhD thesis at Surrey. He now works […]

Review paper of David Lloyd on multi-dimensional patterns accepted for SIAM Review

The paper “Localized patterns“, co-authored by Jason Bramburger (Concordia University, Canada), Dan Hill (Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany), and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in SIAM Review. The paper reviews recent advances regarding the complex behavior of localized patterns and the mathematical tools that have been developed to understand them, covering various topics from […]

Dame Alison Etheridge visits Mathematics at Surrey and gives a Colloquium

Professor Dame Alison Etheridge (Statistics, Oxford University) visited Maths@Surrey today (Friday 7 March) and gave a Colloquium talk. Dame Alison is first President of the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences and was also Chair of the Mathematical Sciences sub-panel of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF). The title of her talk today was “The forwards […]

Paul Bergold from the University of Gdańsk visits Mathematics and Quantum groups

Paul Bergold is visiting the School this week (3-8 March) for research interaction with Cesare Tronci and Andrea Rocco. Paul and Cesare discussed their latest paper about momentum coupling (Rashba Hamiltonians) for the koopmons. During his visit, Paul gave a talk on Thursday 6 March in the Fundamental Mathematics Seminar series on “Solving the time-dependent […]

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