Polina Vytnova has been travelling around Europe this summer attending and speaking at a range of conferences on dynamical systems. During 14-19 May, she attended and spoke at the conference “Thermodynamic Formalism: Non-additive Aspects and Related Topics” in Bedlewo, Poland on “Discrepancy between dimensions of self-similar measures” (conference webpage here). Inn June she attended the “Zurich Dynamics Conference” at the University of Zurich. At the end of June she attended the conference on “Multifractal analysis and self-similarity” in Marseille (link here), where she spoke on “32 digits of the Hausdorff dimension of the Apollonian gasket“. She returned to Marseille a second time in the period 10-14 July for a research school on “Renormalization and Visualization for packing, billiard and surfaces” (link here). Polina sent the photo below which shows one of the outdoor blackboards at CIRM in Marseille during the event there.