Werner Bauer was a session convenor and presenter at EGU 2024 in Vienna funded by the IMA

Werner Bauer attended the European Geophysical Union 2024 General Assembly which was held in Vienna from 14-19 April. The EGU generally attracts over 15,000 onsite participants from over 100 countries as well has virtual participants. Werner was convenor of the session on “Advances in Numerical Earth System Modeling: Identifying Systematic Errors and Charting Innovative Approaches to Enhance Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction” which had 9 speakers (link here for session website). He also presented a poster, co-authored with Colin Cotter (Imperial), on “Accurate solutions of highly oscillatory systems under large time steps using higher-order phase averages” (link here for abstract). Werner‘s travel is partially funded by a travel grant from the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (link here). The photo below, which shows Werner with his poster, was taken by Prof. Dr. Jörn Behrens (Universitaet Hamburg).