Roberto D’Onofrio defends his PhD thesis at the University of Milano-Bicocca

Congratulations to Roberto D’Onofrio for defending his PhD thesis at the University of Milano Bicocca today (Friday 24 May). The members of the committee were Milvia Francesca Rossini (Bicocca), Francesco De Montis (Cagliari), and Cesare Tronci. The title of the thesis is “Singularities in fluid dynamics: from the classics approach to Monge-Ampere geometry”. Roberto‘s project was supervised by Giovanni Ortenzi (University of Turin), Ian Roulstone (Surrey, primary supervisor), and Tom Bridges (Surrey, second supervisor). Roberto is a PhD student on the joint degree, and he passed the Surrey component of the PhD viva on 14 February (see blog post here). The photo below shows Roberto at the defence today (Photo credit: Ian Roulstone).