Camilla Nobili and Anne Skeldon were in in Karlstad Sweden in early June (10-14 June) for Equadiff 2024. Camilla gave two invited talks, one in the minisymposium “Around boundary layers and singular limits in fluid mechanics”. Her talk was titled “Improved bounds on turbulent convection with Navier-slip boundary”. Her second talk was in the minisymposium “Recent developments in mathematical fluid dynamics”. Her talk was titled “Large time behaviour of the 2D thermally non-diffusive Boussinesq equation”. Anne organised two minisymposium sessions on “Synchronisation and reduction techniques of coupled oscillators” with Peter Langfield (INRIA, Bordeaux, France) and Hildeberto Jardón Kojakhmetov (Groningen, Netherlands). Anne spoke in one of the sessions on “A geometric singular perturbation approach to a coupled oscillator model for wake, REM and non-REM sleep”. This latter talk was based on joint work with Gianne Derks (Leiden), Panos Kaklamanos (Edinburgh) and Anne‘s PhD student Rachel Bernasconi. The image below shows the entrance to the conference venue.