Vaibhav Gautam appointed to a Postdoc position at the Kavli IPMU Institute in Tokyo beginning in Autumn 2024

Vaibhav Gautam, currently a PhD student supervised by Masanori Hanada (formerly Surrey, and now Queen Mary University of London) and Alessandro Torrielli, has been appointed to a postdoc position at the Kavli IPMU Institute in Tokyo (link here). The position starts in Autumn 2024 and runs for 1.5 years (with potential for extension). The title of Vaibhav‘s project at IPMU will be “Dynamic Circuits for Quantum Simulations in High Energy Physics and Beyond“. It is an IBM sponsored project, and involves working on the broader area of quantum computing applied to high energy physics. His postdoc mentor will be Masahito Yamazaki. The photo below shows the building housing the institute.