Paper of Ryan Poole and Matt Turner to appear in Fluid Dynamics Research

The paper “The Effect of Asymmetry on the Absolute Instability of Confined Jets and Wakes” authored by Ryan Poole and Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in Fluid Dynamics Research. This paper examines the absolute and convective stability properties for jet/wake flows which are confined asymmetrically between compliant walls. The flows are analysed using spatio-temporal stability analysis, which identifies the long-time growth/decay behaviour by seeking special saddle points in the complex wavenumber plane. The figure below shows an example of the complex wavenumber plane, including the inversion contour, taken from Figure 4 of the paper. Results show that the symmetric configuration, i.e. identical walls, symmetrically placed about the jet/wake centreline are typically the most unstable configurations. The author final copy of the paper can be found here .