New Centre linking Surrey and Zhejiang Normal University and led by Sergey Zelik has official opening

The new Centre for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, which links Maths@Surrey with Maths@ZNU had its official unveiling last week (14 September) at ZNU in Jinhua China. The CIDDS (link here) is an international centre linking Zhejiang Normal University, China with the University of Surrey, UK. The Centre is led by Professor Sergey Zelik, and its aim is to provide a platform for young and experienced mathematicians working in the area of the Analysis of PDEs and related dynamical systems to exchange their knowledge, give/attend various online and in person lectures as well as to discover new directions for joint research and to find new applications for the obtained results.The photo below shows Sergey and Prof Zhang Jianzhen, Vice President of Zhejiang Normal University, at the opening ceremony.