The London Mathematical Society (LMS) has awarded a travel grant of 1k to Cesare Tronci. It funds a visit of Nicola Sansonetto, from Verona (see screenshot below), in the Autumn. Cesare and Nicola plan to work on the holonomy and nontrivial monodromy of quantum vortices in Madelung hydrodynamics. Separately, the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) has award a small grant (0.6k). This latter grant funds Cesare‘s participation in GSI23: the Geometric Science of Information conference starting 30 August (link here). Associated with GSI23, Cesare has two papers accepted in the proceedings (one joint with Paul Bergold), and he is organizing a session on “Fluid Mechanics and Symmetry” with Francois Gay-Balmaz (Paris, Singapore).