Paper of Cesare Tronci awarded best paper prize at a Conference on Nonlinearity and Complexity held at Sichuan University in China

The presentation of Cesare TronciKoopman trajectories in nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics“, based on joint work with Paul Bergold, Francois Gay-Balmaz (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), and Werner Bauer, at the 2024 International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, held 5-10 August in Yibin China, was awarded best paper prize. The prize committee announcement stated “Out of over 100 presentations, yours was one of five selected for this recognition. This recognition highlights the novel mathematical approach you presented to address a fundamental physics problem, the clarity of your exposition, and the efficiency of your method.” In addition, the conference sponsor, Springer Verlag, has awarded a complimentary book to Cesare from their catalogue. A screenshot of the award certificate is below.