Fabio Marino passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Fabio Marino for passing his PhD viva today (Wednesday 16 October)! Fabio‘s PhD is part of the dual doctorate programme with the University of Milano-Bicocca, and this viva is the Surrey part of the PhD examination, with the Milano-Bicocca part to be completed. The title of his thesis is “Probing Bad Theories With The Dualisation Algorithm“. Fabio‘s supervisors are Sara Pasquetti for the Milan Bicocca part and Alessandro Torrielli for the Surrey part. The examiners were our own previous PhD student Fabrizio Nieri (now holding a permanent position at Torino University) and Marcus Sperling (University of Vienna) as externals, and Cesare Tronci was in the chair. The viva was held online as Fabio has already started a postdoc in Vienna (see announcement here). The photo below show Fabio dining with his Surrey supervisor Alessandro.