Anne Skeldon visits the University of Umea in Sweden and gives a Colloquium Talk

Anne Skeldon visited the University of Umea last week (Thursday-Friday 20-21 February) for a collaborative research visit. Joining her from Surrey was Derk-Jan Dijk (Director Surrey Sleep Research Centre), and her host at Umea was Associate Professor Katharina Wulff, of the Department of Molecular Biology. In addition to research interaction, Anne and Derk-Jan gave back-to-back colloquium talks: “Sleep, Circadian Rhythms and Biomarkers: human data” (Derk-Jan) and “Sleep, Circadian Rhythms and Biomarkers: mathematical models” (Anne). While there, Anne took up the opportunity to catch-up with Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn, who was a PhD student and then postdoc at Surrey (supervisor Carina Dunlop), and is now a postdoc at Umea. They also visited Katharina’s unique glass house laboratory where research participants stay overnight. The first photo below shows Josephine and Anne, and the second photo shows the research laboratory.