Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Matt Turner’s paper on leapfrogging vortices chosen as ‘Editor’s Pick’ by Physics of Fluids

The paper “Leapfrogging criteria for a line vortex pair external to a circular cylinder” authored by Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids. The paper identifies a criteria, a function of cylinder radius and the ratio of vortex strengths, which signifies the boundary between leapfrogging and non-leapfrogging motions as the vortices […]

Paper of Cesare Tronci on Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics appears in PRA

The paper “Regularized Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics“, co-authored by Jonathan I Rawlinson (Bristol/Leeds) and Cesare Tronci, has been accepted for publication in Physical Review A. The paper presents a new closure of the nuclear Born-Oppenheimer equation, thereby leading to a molecular dynamics scheme capturing geometric phase effects. Full abstract can be found on the PRA page […]

Thomas O’Neill passes Phd viva

Congratulations to Tom O’Neill for passing his PhD viva on Monday 3rd August! Tom’s thesis is entitled “A rigorous analysis, via the Monge-Ampère equation, of the existence of classical solutions to the semigeostrophic equations with explicit Rossby number scaling“. The External Examiner was Professor Mikhail Feldman (University of Wisconsin) and the Internal was Ian Roulstone. […]

Paper of Bin Cheng on rigorous analysis of magnetohydrodynamics published in ESAIM

The paper “Convergence rate estimates for the low Mach and Alfven number three-scale singular limit of compressible ideal magnetohydrodynamics“, co-authored by Bin Cheng, Qiangchang Ju (IAPCM, Beijing), and Steve Schochet (Tel-Aviv University), has been accepted for publication in the French journal Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM). A link to the abstract and final form […]

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