Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of James Grant appears in Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry

The paper “Inextendibility of spacetimes and Lorentzian length spaces“, co-authored by James Grant, Michael Kunzinger (Vienna), and Clemens Sämann (Vienna), has been published in the journal Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. A link to the published paper is here. In the paper they study the low-regularity (in-)extendibility of spacetimes within the synthetic-geometric framework of […]

Sergey Zelik is a principal speaker at a Symposium on Dynamical Systems in Germany

Sergey Zelik is in Bremen, Germany this week (5-9 August).  He is a principal speaker at the 7th Bremen Dynamics Summer School and Symposium.  It is being held in the Department of Mathematics (shown left) at the University of Bremen.  Sergey is speaking on Tuesday afternoon (6 August) on “Strichartz estimates and attractors for dispersive-dissipative […]

Paper of Cesare Tronci to appear in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London

The paper “Koopman wavefunctions and classical-quantum correlation dynamics” co-authored by Denys I. Bondar (Tulane University), François Gay-Balmaz (Ecole Normale Sup, Paris), and Cesare Tronci has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London. The paper addresses the long-standing problem of formulating a dynamical theory of classical-quantum coupling.   The figure […]

Jon Bevan, Janet Godolphin, and Matt Turner promoted to Reader

Congratulations to the department’s three new Readers.  Jon Bevan is promoted to Reader in Mathematics.  He works in the calculus of variations, polyconvexity, and nonlinear elasticity (see here).  Janet Godolphin is promoted to Reader in Statistics.  She works in the methodology of statistical design and analysis of experiments (see here).  Matt Turner is promoted to […]

Anna Kostianko and Sergey Zelik organise conference on attractors at Lanzhou University

An international conference on “Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Attractors” was held at Lanzhou University  during 25 June to 6 July (link here).  The principal organisers were Anna Kostianko and Sergey Zelik.  The conference includes a one-week summer school on attractors with speakers Alexander Komech (Vienna), Elena Kopylova (Vienna), Wei Wang (Nanjing) as well as Anna […]

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