Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of James Grant on causality published in Letters in Mathematical Physics

The paper “The future is not always open“, co-authored by James Grant, Michael Kunzinger (Vienna), Clemens Sämann (Vienna), and Roland Steinbauer (Vienna), has been published in Letters in Mathematical Physics. The paper demonstrates the breakdown of several fundamentals of Lorentzian causality theory in low regularity. A link to the published version is here. The diagram […]

Imran Usmani passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Imran Usmani for passing his PhD confirmation examination. It was held on Wednesday 22 January, and the examiners were Vikki Revell (Surrey Sleep Research Centre) and Gianne Derks. The title of Imran’s project is “A mathematical modelling approach to the prediction of circadian phase“. The project supervisors are Anne Skeldon and Derk-Jan Dijk […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on Lieb-Thirring inequalities published in Mатематические заметки

The paper “On the Lieb-Thirring constant on the torus“, co-authored by Sergey Zelik, Alexei Illyin (Keldysh, Moscow), and Ari Laptev (Imperial College London), has been published in the Russian journal Математические заметки. The case of the two-torus is treated in the paper. A link to the Russian version is here, and a link to the […]

Paper of Cleator and Roulstone on data assimilation and paleoclimate published in JAMES

The paper “A method for generating coherent spatially explicit maps of seasonal paleoclimates from site-based reconstructions“, co-authored by Sean Cleator, Sandy Harrison (Reading University), Nancy Nichols (Reading University), Iain Prentice (Imperial College London), and Ian Roulstone, has been published in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. The paper employs a 3-D-variational technique, site-based […]

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