Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Sean Cleator passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Sean Cleator for passing his PhD viva today (Friday 20th December)! Sean’s thesis is entitled “Glacial and Holocene Climates Reconstructed by Vegetation-Model Inversion“. The External Examiner was Professor Hugues Goosse (Université Catholique de Louvain) and the Internal Examiner was Philip Aston. Sean was supervised by Professors Sandy Harrison and Nancy Nichols (Reading University) […]

New Centre for Criminology lauched between mathematics and sociology

The new Centre for Criminology at the University of Surrey was launched yesterday (11 December). The Centre brings together criminological and methodological expertise to conduct empirically robust and policy relevant research on crime and crime control. The leader from Sociology is Ian Brunton-Smith and the leader from Mathematics is David Lloyd. The website for the […]

Joakim Strömvall passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Joakim Strömvall for passing his PhD viva. The viva took place today (Tuesday 10 December). The External Examiner was Niall MacKay (University of York), the Internal Examiner was Jan Gutowski. The PhD project supervisor is Alessandro Torrielli, and the thesis title is: “Hopf superalgebras and scattering matrices in the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence“. The photo […]

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