Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Ying Huang passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Ying Huang for passing his PhD viva today (Monday 4 November)! The External Examiner was Mark Cooker (East Anglia) and the Internal Examiner was Anne Skeldon. Ying‘s supervisor is Matt Turner. The title of Ying’s thesis is: “Dynamic Coupling between Fluid Motion and Rectilinear Vessel Motion in a System of Connected Vessels“.

Donal Harkin passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Donal Harkin for passing his PhD viva today (Tuesday 29 October)! The External Examiner was Colin Cotter (Imperial) and the Internal Examiner was Janet Godolphin. Donal‘s supervisor is Naratip Santitissadeekorn. The title of Donal’s thesis is: “Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems for Reactive Transport Models in Bioirrigated Sediments“.

Matt Turner gives a seminar at the Newton Institute in Cambridge

Matt Turner gave a seminar today (Thursday 17 October), at the Isaac Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, on “Time-dependent conformal mapping techniques applied to fluid sloshing problems“. In the presentation he demonstrated how time-dependent conformal mappings can be used to construct a fast and effective numerical scheme for examining two-dimensional, inviscid, irrotational fluid sloshing […]

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