Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Brooks-Derks-Lloyd on stationary fronts to appear in Nonlinearity

The paper “Existence of stationary fronts in a system of two coupled wave equations with spatial inhomogeneity” co-authored by Jacob Brooks, Gianne Derks, and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in Nonlinearity. The picture left is from Figure 13 in the paper. An electronic version of the final-form preprint is available for downloading here. […]

Reinhard Richter from Bayreuth visits the Ferrofluids Research Team

Professor Dr Reinhard Richter, from Experimentalphysik V of the Physikalisches Institut, University of Bayreuth, visited the department for the week of 17 September for research interaction with Team Ferrofluids (Dan Hill, Dave Lloyd, Matt Turner). His visit is supported by a London Mathematical Society grant. The photo below shows Reinhard, Dave, and Dan with Matt […]

Paper of Macrelli, Raspollini and Wolf published in the Durham Symposium proceedings

The paper “L-infinity algebras, the BV formalism, and classical fields” co-authored by Branislov Jurco (Charles University, Prague), Tommaso Macrelli, Lorenzo Raspollini, Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt), and Martin Wolf, has been published in the Proceedings of the Durham/LMS symposium on “Higher Structures in M-theory” (link here). The volume is published in the journal Progress of Physics. A […]

Anne Skeldon gives a plenary lecture at a workshop on Dynamical Systems and Physiology in Australia

Anne Skeldon was in Australia the past two weeks. First, she was a plenary speaker at the workshop on “Dynamical Systems in Physiology” held 6-7 September at Deakin University (shown left) in Melbourne.  Her talk was on “Mathematical modelling of human sleep/wake patterns: the interaction of light, sleep, circadian and social rhythms”. Then from 9-13 […]

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