Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Macrelli, Raspollini and Wolf published in the Durham Symposium proceedings

The paper “L-infinity algebras, the BV formalism, and classical fields” co-authored by Branislov Jurco (Charles University, Prague), Tommaso Macrelli, Lorenzo Raspollini, Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt), and Martin Wolf, has been published in the Proceedings of the Durham/LMS symposium on “Higher Structures in M-theory” (link here). The volume is published in the journal Progress of Physics. A […]

Anne Skeldon gives a plenary lecture at a workshop on Dynamical Systems and Physiology in Australia

Anne Skeldon was in Australia the past two weeks. First, she was a plenary speaker at the workshop on “Dynamical Systems in Physiology” held 6-7 September at Deakin University (shown left) in Melbourne.  Her talk was on “Mathematical modelling of human sleep/wake patterns: the interaction of light, sleep, circadian and social rhythms”. Then from 9-13 […]

Gianne Derks co-organises pharmacology workshop at the University of Reading

Gianne Derks was at the University of Reading on Monday-Tuesday (9-10 September) this week co-organising the 3rd Exchange Workshop of the QSP-UK Network on “Artificial intelligence and mechanistic modelling in quantitative systems pharmacology“. The attendance was 50-50 industry and academia with a profitable exchange of ideas. QSP-UK is the Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Network, funded by […]

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