Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn appears in the Journal of Theoretical Biology

The paper “Wall stress enhanced exocytosis of extracellular vesicles as a possible mechanism of left-right symmetry-breaking in vertebrate development“, co-authored by Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn, David J. Smith (Birmingham), Susana S. Lopes (Nova University of Lisbon), Thomas D. Montenegro-Johnson (Birmingham) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Biology.  The in press accepted version is […]

Reading-Surrey Partnership awarded NERC funding for Doctoral Training Centre

The National Environmental Research Council (NERC) has announced that the Reading-Surrey Partnership has been awarded a five-year Doctoral Training grant in weather and climate, extending the current SCENARIO DTP to 2025.  The grant funds 12 PhD studentships per year for 5 years.  The Surrey node leaders are Sue Hughes (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Ian Roulstone, […]

Matthew Bailey passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Matthew Bailey for passing his PhD viva today!  The external examiner was Peter Achermann (Zurich), the internal examiner was Ian Morris,  and Philip Aston was in the role of Chair. The title of Matt‘s thesis is “Modelling sleep-wake regulation: the dynamics, bifurcations and applications of the two process model”, and his project has […]

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