Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Lloyd and Santitissadeekorn on data assimilation and urban crime published in CSDA

The paper “Sequential data assimilation of the 1D self-exciting process with application to urban crime data“, co-authored by Naratip Santitissadeekorn, Martin Short (Georgia Tech), and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.  The paper develops a novel Bayesian sequential data assimilation algorithm for joint state-parameter estimation by deriving an […]

Bevan, Kostianko, and Zelik organise, attend and speak at Dynamical Systems conference in Taiwan

Jon Bevan, Anna Kostianko, and Sergey Zelik are in Taipei, Taiwan, this week to attend and speak at the 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (link here). The AIMS series of conferences is one of the largest international meetings in the subject area, typically attracting over 2000 participants. Jon is an […]

Mathematical biology paper of Ahoud Alsheri and Stephen Gourley published in EJAM

The paper “A mathematical model for the transmission of louse-borne relapsing fever” co-authored by Ahuod Alsheri and Stephen Gourley has been published in the June issue of the European Journal of Applied Mathematics (link here).  The paper derives a model for LBRF consisting of seven coupled delay differential equations. Then extensive analysis of the model […]

Anne Skeldon visits Lighting Research Center at RPI in New York

Anne Skeldon is visiting the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, this week (27-29 June) for research interaction. The Lighting Research Center at RPI is the world’s leading center for lighting research and education.  It has a track record of pioneering research in solid-state lighting, light and health, transportation lighting, […]

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