Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Chrissy Gavin passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Chrissy Gavin for passing her PhD viva today!  The examiners were Nikola Popovic (Edinburgh) and Carina Dunlop. The title of her thesis is “Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory for a Dimerisation Problem in Mathematical Pharmacology“.  Her project was co-supervised by Philip Aston and Gianne Derks.

Matt Turner gives fluid mechanics seminar at Leicester

Matt Turner visited the Department of Engineering at the University Leicester on Wednesday 29 November for research interaction with Professor Stephen Garrett and to give a seminar.  His talk was on “Time-dependent conformal mappings with applications to nonlinear sloshing“.  Further details and an abstract can be found on the Leicester website here.

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