Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Jan Gutowski gives mathematics seminar at King’s College London

Jan Gutowski is visiting the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London today (Wednesday 14 February), and giving a talk in the Triangle Seminar Series on “Highly supersymmetric AdS solutions“. Anti-de-Sitter solutions play an important role in the gauge-theory/gravity correspondence, and understanding their properties has provided important insights into the dual field theories. In the […]

Paper of Matt Turner to appear in QJMAM

The paper “Fluid sloshing in rectangular vessels with side-wall baffles using conformal mappings of multiply-connected domains” by Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in the Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.  Final form preprint available here. The paper cleverly utilizes conformal mappings of a multiply connected domain to formulate a numerical procedure which […]

Carina Dunlop gives mathematical biology seminar at Oxford University

Carina Dunlop visited the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University on Friday 2nd February to give a talk in the Mathematical  Biology and Ecology Seminar Series.  The title of her talk was “Mechanical models for cell and tissue mechanotransduction“.  The ability of cells to sense and respond to the mechanical properties of their environments is fundamental […]

FEPS Dean Paul Smith visits Department of Mathematics

Professor Paul Smith, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, visited the Department today (Thursday 1 February) to discuss new initiatives in the faculty and university and take feedback from the Department. He indicated his strong support for the strategic importance of mathematics in FEPS, the importance of core mathematics, and value of […]

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