Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

James Grant organises geometry conference in Florence Italy

James Grant is organising an international conference on “Non-regular Space-Time Geometry” this week (20-22 June) in Florence, Italy. Co-organisers include Piotr T. Chruściel (Vienna), Michael Kunzinger (Vienna), and Ettore Minguzzi (Florence). The Meeting is aimed at gathering reseachers with an interest in global Lorentzian geometry under weak regularity assumptions on the metric. The conference emphasises […]

Applied Geometric Mechanics meeting at Surrey

The first meeting of year three of the  Applied Geometric Mechanics Network is being held at the University of Surrey on Friday 16 June.  The theme of this meeting is Geometric Fluid Dynamics, and the principal external speakers are Paul Dellar (Oxford), François Gay-Balmaz (Paris), and Aythami Bethencourt de Leon (Imperial). Speaking from Surrey are […]

Stephen Gourley’s paper on mathematical biology appears in SIAM J Applied Maths

The paper “Pauses of larval development and their consequences for stage-structured populations“, co-authored by Hermann Brunner (Hong Kong Baptist University), Stephen Gourley, Rongsong Liu (University of Wyoming), and Yanyu Xiao (University of Cincinnati), has been published in the SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics. The paper considers some novel predictions of a mathematical model for a […]

Summer research projects for seven students this year

A record number of students have signed up for summer research projects this year.  These projects are competitively awarded and typically run for 8 weeks in the summer and are funded by EPSRC, the London Mathematical Society, the Department Research Fund, vHive, and the SATRO Research Placement Scheme.  The students (supervisors) and project titles this […]

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