Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

String theory conference at Surrey organised by Fontanella and Strömwall

On Monday-Tuesday 3-4 July, there will be a conference at Surrey on “String Geometry, Supersymmetric Theories, and Dualities” organised by Andrea Fontanella and Joakim Strömwall. The purpose of the conference is to gather together a broad spectrum of researchers and provide a window into current research. During the first day there will be pedagogical lectures […]

Philip Aston gives presentation at the IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Philip Aston gave a presentation with his collaborator Dr Manasi Nandi (King’s College London) at Greenwich Maths Time, the IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications, which was held at the University of Greenwich on 27th-28th June. Their talk was entitled “Can Maths Solve Sepsis?” and was presented four times. The talk described recent work […]

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