Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Jan Gutowski appears in Classical and Quantum Gravity

The paper “Einstein-Weyl spaces and near-horizon geometry” co-authored by Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge), Jan Gutowski, and Wafic Sabra (American U of Beirut), has been published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity.  A link to the published paper is here. In the paper they show that a class of solutions of minimal supergravity in five dimensions […]

Delahaies-Roulstone paper on DALEC v2 published in Geoscientific Model Development

The paper “Constraining DALEC v2 using multiple data streams and ecological constraints: analysis and application“, co-authored by Sylvain Delahaies, Ian Roulstone, and Nancy Nichols (Reading) has been accepted for publication in the journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), a journal with an impact factor of 5.2.  The paper uses a variational method to assimilate multiple data […]

Matt Turner visits and speaks at the University of Keele

Matt Turner is visiting the University of Keele in Staffordshire this week (22-26 May) for research interaction and to give a seminar.  His host is Professor Jonathan J Healey.  On Tuesday 23rd of May Matt gave a talk in the Applied Mathematics Seminar series with the title “Time-dependent conformal mappings with applications to nonlinear sloshing […]

Vice Chancellor Max Lu visits the Department of Mathematics

Vice Chancellor Max Lu visited the Department of Mathematics on Monday 22 May.  It was his first visit to the department and he took the opportunity to present his vision for the university and the role of mathematics in the future strategy.  Topics under discussion included data science, interdisciplinary research across faculties and how the […]

Anna Kostianko passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Anna Kostianko for passing her PhD viva today!  The examiners were James Robinson (Warwick) and James Grant. The title of her thesis is “Inertial manifolds for semilinear parabolic equations which do not satisfy the spectral gap condition“. Her project was supervised by Sergey Zelik and the second supervisor was Bin Cheng.

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