Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Cleator-Huang-Roulstone paper to appear in Global and Planetary Change

The paper “Reconstructing ice-age palaeoclimates: quantifying low-CO2 effects on plants” has been accepted for publication in the Elsevier journal “Global and Planetary Change“. The co-authors are Colin Prentice (Imperial, Macquarie), Sean Cleator, Ying Huang, Sandy Harrison (Macquarie, Reading) and Ian Roulstone.  The paper presents a novel method to quantify the ecophysiological effects of changes in […]

Donal Harkin passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Donal Harkin, who passed his PhD confirmation examination today, Monday 9th January.  His PhD confirmation report is titled “Parameter estimation and inverse problems for reactive transport models in bioirrigated sediments“.  The Examination Panel consisted of Janet Godolphin and Ian Roulstone.  The principal supervisor of the project is Naratip Santitissadeekorn, and second supervisor is […]

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