Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paul Bergold speaks at workshop on numerical methods for quantum mechanics at BANFF in Canada

Paul Bergold was at the Banff International Research Station in Canada last week 21-26 April for a conference on “Modern Methods for Differential Equations of Quantum Mechanics“. The webpage with a photo of participants is linked here. This interdisciplinary workshop gathered leading world authorities in computational mathematics together with experts in quantum physics and physical […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on inertial manifolds for parabolic PDEs published in Analysis & PDEs

The paper “Smooth extensions for inertial manifolds of semilinear parabolic equations“, co-authored by Anna Kostianko (Zhejiang Normal University) and Sergey Zelik, has been published in Volume 17 of “Analysis and PDEs“. The paper is published open access (link here). The paper is devoted to a comprehensive study of smoothness of inertial manifolds (IMs) for abstract […]

Giacomo Acciarini speaks at the Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics in Darmstadt Germany

Giacomo Acciarini, a PhD student in the Surrey Space Centre, jointly supervised by Nicola Baresi (Surrey Space Centre), Dario Izzo (European Space Agency) and David Lloyd, gave a talk at the 29th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (link here). The ISSFD is a series of conferences (link here) providing an international forum for specialists […]

Anne Skeldon speaks at a workshop on dynamics of piecewise smooth systems in Manchester

Anne Skeldon is visiting the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manchester this week (15-16 April) for a Workshop on “Dynamics and Piecewise Smooth Systems: what’s new?” Anne is giving the closing lecture, which is also the Departmental Heilbronn-sponsored Seminar, on the topic of “The slow-fast dynamics of sleep regulation“. Her talk is based […]

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