Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Alexander Timokha visits from NTNU Norway

Alexander Timokha, of the Department of Marine Technology, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is visiting the department this week to interact with Hamid Alemi Ardakani, Tom Bridges, and Matt Turner on the OWEL Research Project.  Alexander is a world renowned expert on sloshing and co-author of the leading book on the subject […]

Book on UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics coedited by Philip Aston

The book UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics has now been published by Springer. It is edited by Philip Aston together with Tony Mulholland and Katy Tant (Strathclyde). This book contains 38 articles that showcase the work of UK mathematicians and statisticians by describing industrial problems that have been successfully solved, together with a summary […]

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