Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bin Cheng organises minisymposium at ICIAM2015 in Beijing

Bin Cheng, in collaboration with Paolo Secchi (Brescia, Italy), Qiangchang Ju (IAPCM, Beijing), and Ning Jiang (Tsinghua U, Beijing), is organising a major minisymposium at the 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015) which is being held this week, 10-14 August, in Beijing.  The minisymposium is on Singular Limits in Mathematical Physics […]

Jon Bevan’s paper on log-singular elliptic systems appears in Nonlinear Analysis

Jon Bevan‘s paper Explicit examples of Lipschitz, one-homogeneous solutions of log-singular planar elliptic systems will appear in the September issue of the journal Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. The paper gives examples of systems of PDEs that admit non-trivial Lipschitz and one-homogeneous solutions.  The systems are singular in the sense that they arise as […]

Two papers of Jan Gutowski appear in the J High Energy Physics

Two papers by Jan Gutowski have appeared in the February issue of the Journal of High Energy Physics.  The first paper, co-authored with Samuel Beck and George Papadopoulos (Kings College London), entitled Supersymmetry of AdS and flat IIB backgrounds, presents a systematic description of all warped backgrounds and identifies the a priori number of sypersymmetries […]

Urs Schrieber and Branislav Jurco visit from Charles University in Prague

Urs Schreiber from the Charles University in Prague is visiting the Fields, Strings & Geometry (FSG) Group from 15th July – 23rd July.  Urs Schreiber’s expertise lies in differential geometry, homotopy theory, and mathematical quantum field and string theory.  In addition, Branislav Jurco, also from the Charles University in Prague, is visiting the FSG Group […]

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