Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Matthew Wakeling defends EngD thesis on numerical weather prediction

Congratulations to Matthew Wakeling who defended his EngD thesis today.  The subject of his thesis is “Numerical weather prediction in a changing climate: assimilation of dynamical information from satellite imagery“.  Matthew’s examiners were Alan O’Neill (Reading), Tony McNally (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) and Alan Robins (EnFlo, Surrey).  His supervisors were John Eyre (UK […]

Surrey contributes to Chaos special issue on planet earth

The journal Chaos has published a special issue on Nonlinear Dynamics for Planet Earth.  The issue included two contributions from Surrey.  Anna Chuter, Philip Aston, Anne Skeldon and Ian Roulstone contributed a paper on “A dynamical systems analysis of the data assimilation linked ecosystem carbon (DALEC) models“, which can be found here.  Naratip Santitissadeekorn and […]

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