Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Ian Roulstone awarded the Louis J Battan Award by the American Meteorological Society

Ian Roulstone and his co-author John Norbury (Oxford) have been awarded the Louis J Battan Author’s Award by the American Meteorological Society for their book “Invisible in the Storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather“. The Louis J Battan Author’s Award is presented to the authors of an outstanding, newly published, book on the […]

Rossides-Lloyd-Zelik paper on interacting fronts appears in J Scientific Computing

The paper “Computing interacting multi-fronts in one-dimensional real Ginzburg Landau equations“, co-authored by Tasos Rossides, David Lloyd and Sergey Zelik, has been accepted and published in the Journal of Scientific Computing.   In the paper they develop an efficient and robust numerical scheme to compute multi-fronts in one-dimensional real Ginzburg–Landau equations that range from well-separated […]

Anne Skeldon awarded a grant for workshop on circadian rhythms at Lorentz Center Netherlands

Anne Skeldon has been awarded a grant by the Lorentz Center in Leiden, the Netherlands, to hold a meeting on Human Circadian Rhythms: developing a multi-oscillator framework.  The co-organizers of the meeting are Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Centre) and Daniel Forger (Michigan).  The workshop will run in July 2015 and will bring together an international […]

Itsios-Sfetsos-Siampos-Torrielli paper on Yang-Baxter equations accepted to Nuclear Physics B

The paper “The classical Yang-Baxter equation and the associated Yangian symmetry of gauged WZW-type theories“, co-authored by Georgios Itsios (Patras, former visiting PhD student at Surrey), Konstantinos Sfetsos (Athens, former Professor at Surrey), Konstantinos Siampos (Mons, Belgium), and Alessandro Torrielli has been accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics B. The paper was submitted to the […]

Surrey team attends Geometric Quantum Dynamics meeting at Brunel

A Surrey team consisting of Esther Bonet Luz, Gianne Derks, Alessandro Torrielli, Cesare Tronci and Cesare’s visitor Emanuele Tassi (CNRS, Marseille) are attending the Geometric Quantum Dynamics Meeting at Brunel on Friday 3rd October.  In addition Alessandro is giving an invited talk on “Exact quantization of integrable systems“.  This is the third meeting in the […]

Congratulations to Jessica Rowden for passing Phd viva

Congratulations to Jessica Rowden who passed her PhD viva today subject to minor corrections.  The title of her thesis is “Application of two mathematical modelling approaches for real world systems“.  Jessica was supervised by David Lloyd and Nigel Gilbert (Sociology).  The external examiner was Mike Bithell (Cambridge) and the internal examiner was Mark Roberts.  Jessica’s […]

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