Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Peter Hydon gives colloquium talk at the University of Glasgow

Peter Hydon is giving a Mathematics Colloquium talk at the University of Glasgow today, Friday 10th October.  His talk is on “Conservation laws: from differential to difference“.  Famously, Noether’s (First) Theorem uses symmetries of a variational problem to generate conservation laws of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations. It is less well-known that one can construct conservation […]

FMM group joins EPSRC-funded network on “Living with Environmental Change”

A team in the Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology Group (Alemi Ardakani, Cheng, Roulstone, Turner, Bridges) are part of a network recently funded by EPSRC on “Living with Environmental Change” (LWEC). The LWEC theme involves 22 partners across government that fund environmental change related research. Partners work together across six challenge areas of climate, ecosystems, resources, health, infrastructure […]

Claudia Wulff lectures at Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Edinburgh

Claudia Wulff is lecturing at the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh during 8-10 October.  Jointly organised by Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh, the school aims to expose postgraduate students and interested faculty to some of the recent developments in the analysis of evolution equations and prepare them for research in these […]

Ian Roulstone awarded the Louis J Battan Award by the American Meteorological Society

Ian Roulstone and his co-author John Norbury (Oxford) have been awarded the Louis J Battan Author’s Award by the American Meteorological Society for their book “Invisible in the Storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather“. The Louis J Battan Author’s Award is presented to the authors of an outstanding, newly published, book on the […]

Rossides-Lloyd-Zelik paper on interacting fronts appears in J Scientific Computing

The paper “Computing interacting multi-fronts in one-dimensional real Ginzburg Landau equations“, co-authored by Tasos Rossides, David Lloyd and Sergey Zelik, has been accepted and published in the Journal of Scientific Computing.   In the paper they develop an efficient and robust numerical scheme to compute multi-fronts in one-dimensional real Ginzburg–Landau equations that range from well-separated […]

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