Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Anton Savostianov shortlisted for AIMS Conference PGR prize

Anton Savostianov, a 3rd year PhD student at Surrey, supervised by Sergey Zelik, has been shortlisted for the Student Paper Competition at the 10th American Institute of Mathematics Conference, to be held in Madrid in July.   Anton will speak on “Strichartz estimates and smooth attractors for wave equations with fractional damping in bounded domains“. The […]

Paper of Martin Wolf published in Letters in Mathematical Physics

The paper “Six-dimensional superconformal field theories from principal 3-bundles over twistor space“, co-authored by Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt University) and Martin Wolf has been published in Letters in Mathematical Physics.  In the paper they construct manifestly superconformal field theories in six dimensions which contain a non-Abelian tensor multiplet.  In particular, they show how principal 3-bundles over […]

Prizak-Ezard-Hoyle paper accepted for publication in Ecology and Evolution

The paper “Fitness consequences of maternal and grandmaternal effects” has been accepted for publication in the journal Ecology and Evolution.  The authors are Roshan Prizak (Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Thomas Ezard (Centre for Biological Sciences, University of Southampton) and Rebecca Hoyle.  An electronic version of the paper will be available […]

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