Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Kostas Sfetsos to Swansea for PhD examination and seminar

Kostas Sfetsos is visiting the Theoretical Physics Research Group at the University of Swansea this week.  He is external examiner for a PhD thesis, and then on Friday 17 January he is giving seminar on “A new line of integrable deformations“.  New integrable models having a rich group theoretical structure and interpolating between exact Conformal […]

David Fairbairn passes EngD viva

Congratulations to David Fairbairn on the successful outcome of his EngD viva this morning (Thursday 9 January). The title of his thesis is “Comparing Variational and Ensemble Data Assimilation Methods for Numerical Weather Prediction“, supervised by Andrew Lorenc (Met Office and Visiting Professor at Surrey), Lucia Elghali (CES, Surrey) and Ian Roulstone. David’s examiners were […]

SIAM Review publishes a review of Roulstone's book

SIAM Review, the flagship journal of SIAM (the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in the USA), published a review of Roulstone’s book, co-authored with John Norbury, Invisible in the Storm: The role of Mathematics in Understanding Weather, in their December issue.  SIAM has 14,000 members worldwide and SIAM Review is sent to all as […]

Prof Miriam Manoel from Brazil to visit Surrey for a year

Miriam Manoel, an Associate Professor at the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) on the São Carlos campus of the University of São Paulo, is visiting the Surrey Department of Mathematics for a year supported by a Brazilian FAPESP “Bolsa Pesquisador no Exterior” (Research Fellowship Abroad) on “Symmetries of Functions on Networks and Mappings on […]

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